Average Journeyman Electrician Salary

Career as an electrician is one of the best decisions You can make. Job is not only interesting and gratifying, but also allows You to earn a great living. Electrician salary increases as You move upwards the career ladders. Each new license means a raise in paycheck.

Once an individual has completed apprenticeship program and successfully passed the state’s licensing exam, he is upgraded to journeyman rank. Here in the US, licensing requirements specify that some jobs can only be completed by a journeyman electrician or higher (for instance, master electrician, contractor). Requirements on how to become a journeyman electrician and the tasks that they are permitted to do will vary from state to state. In fact, not all states offer a journeyman electrician license, which is why it is important to research the licensing process as well as legislation of each state before You start doing anything.

A journeyman is normally well-rounded in numerous aspects related to being an electrician as they have yet to specialize. They normally have anywhere from 4080 to 6120 hours of training under their belt, at least 144 classroom hours, 2 to 3 in a relevant degree, another 2 years of experience as a trainee, and also a special certification from the state for passing a specialized test. They are all trained in all phases of construction electrician tasks, and can basically do just about anything. Most journeyman electricians are not asked to do any of the design duties though.

Average Journeyman Electrician Salary

Due to the extent of knowledge that they possess, and the amount of experience that they have, the average journeyman electrician salary in the US is approximately $50 000 per annum . This does not include other benefits such as paid telephone bills, paid gas, extra vacation days etc. Not a surprise that those who are more experienced, will earn more. Salary also depends on the employer, employee responsibilities and duties, an also the hours.

Those who are a journeyman electrician are well-rounded in numerous construction phases; however, they can also decide to specialize in a particular phase(s). Those who decide to take further training and specialize in a specific area will be able to earn an even higher journeyman electrician salary with more benefits involved. In fact, those who specialize, for instance, as an auto electrician or oil rig electrician, can earn on average over $60 000 per annum .

Construction is a huge industry, and there are numerous different types of electrician positions opening up. Since there are so wide range of job opportunities, and the position is able to provide decent pay, more and more people are interested in attaining the training needed to enter the field!

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