To be an electrician in Connecticut an individual must posses a license granted by Connecticut’s Department of Consumer Protection that sets the regulations for becoming an electrician in the state. Obtaining a license is a mandatory requirement for those performing any electrical work within the state. It is also essential to note that the state of Connecticut takes continuing eduction very seriously; it requires existing license holders to put in at least 7 educational hours annualy. For more information, see here .
Check Electrician Schools in Connecticut, CT
Electrician Training in Connecticut, CT
License Types in Connecticut
There are 2 types of license for electricians in Connecticut – a journeyman or contractor. The processes and fees are different for each type. If You are going for a journeyman license, You need notarized documentation of Your electrical apprenticeship where You have completed at least 8000 work hours. You will also need to provide documentation regarding Your education (information must include specific classes You have participated). Applicants must pay fee of $90. In case You are going for the contractors license, proof of existing journeyman license must be provided. Application fee is $150.
These 2 main types of license include 5 different variations, such as C, T, L and E, that cover different scopes of work in electrical field. View complete list and CT license types .
View Connecticut’s DCP forms and other important information.
Connecticut Reciprocity
Unfortunately Connecticut has not yet entered into reciprocity agreements with other US state.
Taking the Exam
State’s DCP handles the electrical exam for the state of Connecticut. You will have to pay PSI directly $60 for the journeyman and $120 for the contractors. Candidate must score at least 70% to pass the examination, which is based on the National Electrical Code (NEC) and is made up of 2 parts. Both sections, likewise in other states, are open book, which is great. First one is a business and law section with 50 questions and the second one is a technical section relating specifically to the electrical trade with 100 questions.
Best Cities in Connecticut for Electrical Work
If you are preparing for an electrician career in the state of Connecticut, You should know which state areas will offer You the most work. The population centers and highest overall electricity consumption are in New Haven, Bridgeport, Hartford, Waterbury and Stamford. But, of course, there are several other cities which require lots of electrical work. Connecticut is among the best places in the country to pursue a career as an electrician due to stable population growth; the job market should prove to be steady for electricians. Best of luck being an electrician in Connecticut!
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