To be an electrician and legally perform electrical services in Illinois , You will need to find out information from Your local government. Unlike the majority of other states, Illinois does not have a statewide licensing requirement for becoming an electrician, instead, these are usually granted by townships or municipalities.
Electrician Training in Illinois, IL
License Requirements for Illinois
Since Illinois is the most inhabited city in the state, we are going to cover the relevant information. Getting the license to be an electrician will likely pay off big time in the Windy City. You must obtain a Supervising Electrician License from Illinois’s Department of Buildings to be a legitimate electrician within city limits. This license must be renewed every year. If you are just beginning out You can work for an existing licensed electrician, without the need for this requirement. Actually, this is the requirement for eventually getting Your supervisor license. You will have to work for at least 2 years under an already licensed electrician in Illinois.
Types and Classifications
Licenses in Illinois are categorized into 5 different levels: A, B, C, D, and E. These classifications are based on the value of work You do for Your customers. Class A will cost a craftsman $2000 per year compared to $300 annually for Class E. The good news is that most electricians only need a Class E since they do not work on projects exceeding half a million dollars.
View Chicago’s application for a supervisor license
State Reciprocity in Illinois
Since the state does not have a requirement for electricians to practice their trade, there is no reciprocity agreement. Thus, You will have to check with Your local government on the acceptability of any experience You might bring with You from any other state.
Taking the Illinois Electrician Exam
The city administers their own exam under strict guidelines. Application fee is set at $70. The exam is 4 hours long and consists of 150 multiple choice questions. You will need to score at least 70% to pass it. In taking the test, the city wants You to show that You are familiar with safe electrical practices and professional procedures.
You should be keen on studying areas relating to principles and practices of electricity such as (1) Fundamental concepts, (2) Electrical blueprint reading, (3) Conductors, conduit & grounding, (4) Transformers, (5) Power factor & volt amps, (6) Service and voltage drops, (7) OSHA regulations & workplace safety.
It is recommended that You closely review Illinois’s documentation, see above, regarding the rules and regulations for becoming an licensed electrician in the city. More information can be easily accessed on the city’s website.
Best Cities for Electrical Work in Illinois
In case Your are planning to pursue an electrician career in the state of Illinois, You should be informed about exactly which areas will offer the best work options. Obviously Illinois tops the list. Several other cities offer good employment opportunities as well. Places within Illinois low population density are likely places You will find less work. The resident population in the rural parts of the state is low and the people also tend to have less disposable income for electrical projects. If You have lived in Illinois for awhile You are likely to know which cities are best for electrical work. Good luck in becoming an electrician in the state of Illinois!